Initial Consultation-60 mins
Follow up appointment-45 mins
Follow up appointment- 30 mins
Travel charges from N8
- 0-15 mins £0
-15-30 mins £10
- 30-45 mins £15
- 45-1hr £20
Parking: Will be billed to client on top of fees, if free parking not available.
For each appointment Integrum Physiotherapy will gain Veterinary consent from your Vet in order to treat your animal, as this is legally required by the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.
We shall allow at least an hour to assess and treat the animal.
During this assessment we shall:
• Take a detailed history of your animal and the problem(s) you have asked us to assess.
• Complete a full gait analysis: ideally on a hard and soft level surface. This comprises the animal moving in walk, trot, tight circles, and rein back. With horses we may ask for the horse to be lunged or ridden if necessary.
• Assess the animal's posture and conformation in a stationary position.
• Palpate all over the animal-this helps to identify pain responses, areas of swelling and changes in muscle tone.
• Assess joint range of motion of the spine and limbs.
• After this thorough assessment we can identify a problem list and establish if treatment is required. The outcome of the assessment and treatment plan will then be discussed with the owner.
• If the owner agrees to the treatment plan: Treatment will aim to restore correct movement, mobility and function whilst addressing secondary compensatory mechanisms. The owner will be advised on exercises and modalities that will benefit the animal long term, and if required, provided with written exercise programmes. Follow up treatment times may differ depending upon findings during assessment, animal requirements and response to treatment.
• We liase closely with your Vet at all times, and will advise if we feel another review is required or input from another professional-such as saddler, or behaviourist is required.
Treating an animal usually consists of a combination of manual techniques (which are 'hands on'), electrotherapy, exercises, owner education/advice and rehabilitation. A treatment session may include some of the following:
• Joint manipulation/mobilisation techniques.
• Soft tissue release techniques (massage).
• Reflex inhibition techniques
• Stretches
• Electrotherapy
• An exercise rehabilitation programme such as: pole work, stretching and strengthening exercises, lungeing, and proprioceptive exercises.